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Market Maker Events Introduces “The PlayBook”

Market Maker Events, organizer of the Flooring Markets, has teamed up with Floor Force, a premier marketing agency devoted to the flooring agency, to offer vendors and retailers a free sales kit when they attend one of the 2020 Flooring Markets.

Exclusively designed for the Flooring Markets’ attendees and sponsored by Floor Covering News, this comprehensive toolkit is designed to revolutionize the way these brands sell flooring products.

“If you’ve been wondering how to ramp up your sales and marketing strategy and sell more flooring, you’re not alone,” says Lori Kisner, Managing Partner of Market Maker Events. “One of the most common questions we come across with flooring dealers at any one of our markets is how to stay top of mind with loyal customers while attracting new ones. The main thing to remember is that your target market is always changing, welcoming new customers and potential audience members daily. So, while your customer base grows and evolves with the times, so must your marketing and sales strategy.”


How do you get a copy of this playbook?

It’s simple—as a retailer or vendor attending one of the 2020 markets, you’ll have access to everything the playbook has to offer by simply checking in at the market of your choosing. Once you check in at registration and get your badge scanned by a Flooring Markets staff member, you’ll be able to unlock all the content of The Playbook to share and refer to at any time.


What makes The Playbook so handy?

It’s so much more than just a few tips and tricks. All of the materials in The Playbook target different types of strategies with thorough examples and explanations for putting the theories into practice and ultimately leading your business to sell more flooring. Perhaps best of all, the information is provided in a few different mediums, so the user can choose which method works best for them to revamp their marketing and sales strategies. Instructional videos, tutorials, PDF documents—all of these in one easily accessible location to use and reference at any time you need.

By utilizing The Playbook, users will have dozens of new ideas at their fingertips in addition to a whole team of experts wanting to assist you in implementing these strategies. “Your business’s marketing strategy has to change in order to meet your customers’ expectations,” Kisner explains. “If you want to attract more customers and increase the power of your brand, then it’s absolutely necessary to stay on top of the latest trends.”


Pre-Register at to attend any one of the 2020 Flooring Markets and receive access to The Playbook. Use promo code: playbook2020 to save $25.


Check out Flooring Coverings News latest issue to read more about The Playbook.