A Message from DDCC Floors

A message from Jim Gasparovic of DDCC Floors
Hope everyone is well and using safe and healthy practices during these trying times.
For now, our first priority is the health and safety of our employees, their families, and our customers. As a result, we have temporarily closed our office and warehouse to walk in business but continue to support our customers by processing their requests electronically and scheduling pickup appointments with every precautionary measure possible.
Also, while the way we interact with our customers on a daily basis has changed somewhat, our ongoing correspondence with them is providing a sense of confidence that their needs still can be met without worry. We are finding the market is still pretty busy out there for now and our customers are happy to know we are there to support them as well. Our goal has been to keep in communication with all of our customers, find out how they are doing regardless of business and let them know we are available if need be. In addition, in order to help them practice safe measures; we are offering to provide them with a small quantity of face masks that we have received from our manufacturer while they continue with their business.
These next couple of weeks are projected to be peak weeks for Georgia and we are being being very cautious using safe methods to keep us all healthy. The number one priority is protecting everyone’s health over business but if we can safely help our customers we will continue to do so.
All the best and lets stay safe out there.
Jim Gasparovic, DDCC Floors
“Our goal has been to keep in communication with all of our customers to find out how they are doing regardless of business.”
Jim Gasparovic, DDCC Floors
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