Southeast Flooring Market 2020 Recap

With January come and gone, so have the first two of our three markets in 2020! Southeast Flooring Market, our first market of the decade, was bigger and better than any markets that came before. With almost 60 exhibitors in attendance, SEFM attendees got to see some of the biggest names in flooring, including Shaw, Mohawk, Mannington, MSI, Tarkett, and so many more.
Key Stats from SEFM 2020
- 20% growth in attendance compared to last year
- Dealers came in from 19 different states
- Shaw and Mohawk floors held their dealer meetings concurrently at SEFM, so everyone got to be under one roof
Attendees of the Southeast Flooring Market also received access to something special this year, the Flooring Dealer Playbook. The Playbook is a professional toolkit developed to helped retailers and dealers sell more flooring in 2020. It’s packed with videos, content, digital marketing materials, and everything else you need to grow your business. Presented by Flooring Markets and Floor Force, the Playbook is only available to attendees of the 2020 Flooring Markets.
From our exhibitors and attendees:
“This is where all of our customers are. This is our primary source of marketing, so we get a chance to be face-to-face and there’s nothing better than that.” – Colten Gines, Qfloors (Exhibitor)
“It’s a wonderful way to start off the year; talking about our products and solidifying our relationships with our customers.” – Ted Gillgres, William M. Bird (Exhibitor)
“It’s just a great place to network with friends as well as being able to see what’s coming up for the year. This market has [gotten] to the point where everything we need, we can do here.” – Bill Jaco, Broadway Carpets (Buyer)
“We feel like our business is all about relationships, and market allows us to bring our customers together to one event and not only showcase all of our products at one time but have a personal touch with them as well.” – Annette Polk, William M Bird (Exhibitor)
“I’ve learned a lot and I’ve met a lot of great companies. I get to meet with my reps, see the new products that are coming out. It’s been wonderful.” – Katie Mccarley, Ken Kirkley Floor Covering (Buyer)
“We come to SEFM, meet our reps, and just create relationships and continue to do good business with people. It’s a good time. Face-to-face contact is always good and we get to see the new products that are coming out.” – Alejandro Sotomayor, American Flooring/Mill Store (Buyer)