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Learn what sets the Southeast Flooring Market apart from other markets in the industry.

The Southeast Flooring Market (SEFM) brings together the region’s best retailers, dealers, builders, contractors and designers to scope out the latest flooring products on the market.

About Southeast Flooring Market

Meet with suppliers directly and source current and upcoming trends for your business to use in the months to come.

Regionals events like SEFM provide buyers and exhibitors the opportunity to conduct business in an intimate, controlled environment.  The Cobb Galleria Centre, located just northeast of Atlanta, provides an easily accessible location. Attendees can take in the local atmosphere and experience the new dining options at the Battery when they aren’t visiting the booths of the leading flooring manufacturers and distributors.


Cobb Galleria Centre- Exhibit Hall A
Atlanta, GA

Market Dates & Times


2023 Southeast Flooring Market Recap Video

Who Attends

Builders & Remodelers
Contractors & Installers

Who Exhibits

Flooring Manufacturers
Flooring Distributors
Technology Providers
Service Providers