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Why Your Sales & Marketing Teams MUST Attend

Three Reasons Why a Retailer Should Bring Their Sales and Marketing Team to Market


With 2019 coming to a close and people all over the country winding-down for the year, we’re ramping up our efforts to get set for the 2020 Flooring Markets. Shaping up to be the largest and most attended markets yet, attendees will have access to more brands and representatives than ever before.


We’ve also partnered with FloorForce, a premiere marketing agency which specializes in the flooring industry, to create The Playbook: a free sales kit offered exclusively to 2020 Flooring Markets attendees. The Playbook contains everything you’ll need to sell more flooring, including marketing tips, strategies, tactics, and so much more.


Because the 2020 Flooring Markets are going to be the biggest yet, we recommend that attendees, especially flooring retailers, don’t travel alone. Between the marketing presentations offered by FloorForce and the endless products to explore, there’s just not enough time for one person to experience all that the Flooring Markets has to offer. With that, here are our top three reasons why flooring retailers should bring their sales and marketing team to the 2020 markets.


Two Minds Are Better Than One

If you’re the owner of a flooring retailer, you likely wear a lot of hats around the office. When it comes time to attend the Flooring Markets, consider bringing along someone who can dedicate their time to the digital marketing presentations. This will free up your time, allowing you to meet with more brand representatives and discover new flooring products for your business.


It’s also a good idea to bring a sales or marketing employee with you to market because they spend the most time working with your customers, and in-turn have a better understanding of what they actually want. Armed with a clear understanding of consumer behavior, your sales or marketing employee will be able to draw clear takeaways from our market that will help you grow your business in 2020 and beyond.


Manufacturers Bring Their A Game to the Shows


Flooring brands and manufacturers are just as excited about Flooring Markets as we are, because it gives them the opportunity to show off their latest and greatest products! There is no better place for your sales and marketing team to learn about the newest flooring trends. Manufacturers will be eager to show off their new products, and your team will be able to ask them questions directly, enabling them to sell those new products more effectively.


Once in a Lifetime Opportunities


Since partnering with FloorForce to produce The Playbook, they’ve also offered to attend the 2020 markets to provide tech talks and one-on-one consultations with flooring retailers to help them sell more flooring. Having direct access to one of the advanced digital marketing agencies in the industries will give Flooring Market attendees invaluable tools to grow their businesses.


If you haven’t registered for any of the Flooring Markets, now’s your chance! Pre-register for free, using promo code: FCNews to attend. Our 2020 markets give you the chance to scope out the latest products, and as an added bonus, your sales & marketing team will be able to utilize The Playbook to sell more flooring in 2020 and beyond.